December 30, 2010

The First Post

I'm not following in Phileas Fogg's footsteps - who went around the world in 80 days - but my friend Jacob called me Phileas Foges and I liked it, so it's the name of the blog.

I spent today, as yesterday, in Guildford picking up some last-minute bits and bobs for my trip, including the all-important rucksack. I searched far and wide for a suitable pack to a) fit all the stuff I'm planning to take and b) that I can take as hand-luggage on planes. I eventually plumped for an Osprey Quantum:

I now have 48 hrs left in England before my flight to Mumbai and it feels good to know I'm almost off. It's been a long time planning - I had to give work six months notice - so now I just want to get on the plane, chill out, and hopefully have an amazing time.

I watched a More4 repeat of Kevin McCloud's visit to Mumbai's Dharavi slum the other night, and it was quite a shocking account of a city where the haves definitely have, and the have-nots wash in sewage and sleep on pavements under tarpaulin sheets. I'm expecting a bit of a culture shock.

Anyway, first post posted. More to come when I hit India.